Heading to the Information Governance Exchange

Recently I’ve begun filling my Fall conference calendar. I always enjoy attending conferences because it is a great way to test my ideas and to hear new ones. The best conferences leave me with fresh perspectives and concepts that I want to try out immediately.

I always enjoy returning to some conferences, like AIIM and Monktoberfest, because I know that I will get value from my fellow attendees. New conferences are different experience. They provide an opportunity to meet and interact with a new community. The first week of September, I am trying one such conference located here in Washington, DC, the Information Governance Exchange.

Why This Event?

Normally when I attend a new event I am either speaking or my employer is sponsoring the event. I am not speaking and being currently self-employed, I am not sponsoring conferences at this point. My marketing budget has not quite grown that large.

So why am I going to this conference?

Frankly, I am going to the event because of the speakers. The analysts are a nice draw, but I’ve seen them before (sorry Cheryl). What I like is that there are a lot of senior level people speaking about the strategies and approaches that their organizations are taking to Information Governance. These aren’t just project managers, but executive owners of these systems.

In a world where funding for Information Governance is harder to gain than we would like, talking to these people promises to grant some insight.

Focus on the Proactive

IGI's Information Governance DefinitionThe other thing I like about this event is the desire to start talking about the increased productivity and data-driven decision making that a successful Information Governance approach can provide. The video above talks about it and the Information Governance Initiative (IGI) has made a point of it when crafting their Information Governance definition.

I think this is going to be an interesting start to the fall conference season. I am looking forward to working on improving the understanding of value that Information Governance provides organizations. If you want to have interesting dialogs about how to actually get things done in Information Governance, I want you to come to the Information Governance Exchange. I’ll be there listening and talking the whole time. It happens to be in Washington, DC so I will be around to hang out and talk, especially if you decide to arrive early.

Can’t make this event? Be sure to check out my Event page to see where else I will be this fall. I will keep it up-to-date as events are added to my schedule.

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